Blenheim Crescent, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire LE9 6QX

01455 283247 Mob 07453 812333

Orchard Church of England Primary School


'In religious education, pupils deepen their understanding of Christianity and learn about other religions as they progress.'
                                                                                       Ofsted July 2024

 Religious Education at Orchard is creative and engaging. We enable children to learn from religion as well as about religion, allowing pupils to reflect on what religious ideas and concepts mean to them. RE leads to a greater understanding of the Christian values which underpin our curriculum.

Religious Education enables children to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. At Orchard we enable children to develop their knowledge and understanding not only of Christianity but also of other world religions. Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding.

Our school RE curriculum is based on the Understanding Christianity scheme (developed by the Church of England) and the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. This enables pupils to gain a coherent understanding of religious and non-religious worldviews.

Quotes from our SIAMS Church Inspection (June 2019) about RE


Religious Education is an influential core subject. Effective planning enables pupils to develop a good understanding of Christianity and different world religions.’

RE has a high profile in the school.’

‘Lessons make use of a creative and innovative curriculum.'’

‘Through the curriculum, faith celebration days, visitors and visits to places of worship, pupils develop respect for a range of world faiths and cultures including Christianity.’

Orchard School Prayer

Lord, bless our Christian school

help us to respect each other,

so that by working together,

praying and playing together,

we may learn to serve you and serve one another

in the love of God, Amen.

R.E. Long Term Plan

Knowledge and skills progression ladder for RE