Foundation Stage 2 - The Twiglets
More information about the curriculum our school follows can be found in our Curriculum section of the website.
Welcome to our school website dedicated to our new Foundation Stage starters 2024-25.
On this page you should find:
· A power point of the induction meeting for new parents and accompanying welcome booklet
· A link to Leicestershire’s school readiness leaflet along with further information about starting school.
· A link to Healthy Together (Health Visiting and School Nursing) website
· A list of 20 things to do before you are five and three quarters!
· An introductory letter from Mr Richard Moore our Chair of Governors
· An introductory letter from Mr Dan Meachen the Chair of Orchard Parents’ Association (OPA)
We appreciate that starting school can be both an anxious and exciting time for children and families, and we are dedicated to ensuring that transition to school will be as smooth and seamless as possible. We hope you and your families are well, and look forward to getting to know you and working with you to ensure the best education possible for your children.
Have a lovely summer.
Welcome Booklet and Starting Arrangements
Welcome Booklet 2024
Please click image to view booklet |
1. Starting Arrangements for Autumn Term 2024 | |
2 Pupil Premium Funding Letter | |
3. Information About the Treatment of Head Lice | |
4. Introducing Cool Milk - the school milk suppliers | |
5. +Pay - School's Cashless Payment System | |
6. Letter Formation using 'Read, Write, Inc' | |
7. School Dinner Menu | |
8. School Term Dates 2023/24, 2024/25 and 2025/26 | |
9. Healthy Together - School Nurse Information Letter | |
PLEASE NOTE: If your child has any special dietary needs (gluten intolerance, food allergies including nuts etc.) please ensure you to to the Leicestershire County Council Medical Diet Portal to submit a form (before 21st June for start of Autumn Term. If your child requires long-term medication to be administered during the school day e.g inhalers, epipen etc.,please click on the following links to complete the necessary form or call in to the school office. |
Wraparound Care
Before School: 7:30 am - 8:40 am
After School: 3:20 pm to 18:00 pm
You can obtain further information about School Readiness by clicking the link.
Talking about starting school video.
Leaflets for parents - Being School Ready and Preparing For Primary School
Healthy Together 0-19 (Health Visiting and School Nursing)
A message from the Chair of Governors Mr Richard Moore
Welcome to our Orchard Parents' Association (OPA)
Second Hand Uniform